Command referenceΒΆ

Please remember that this documentation is not self contained. You should in particular refer to the user documentation to have a more extensive description of the structures algorithms and concepts used.

The expected type of each function argument is indicated in this reference. Here is a list of these types:

int integer value
hobj a handle for any GetFEM++ object
scalar scalar value
string string
ivec vector of integer values
vec vector
imat matrix of integer values
mat matrix
spmat sparse matrix (both matlab native sparse matrices, and GetFEM sparse matrices)
precond GetFEM preconditioner object
mesh mesh object descriptor (or gfMesh object)
mesh_fem mesh fem object descriptor (or gfMeshFem object)
mesh_im mesh im object descriptor (or gfMeshIm object)
mesh_im_data mesh im data object descriptor (or gfMeshImData object)
mesh_slice mesh slice object descriptor (or gfSlice object)
cvstruct convex structure descriptor (or gfCvStruct object)
geotrans geometric transformation descriptor (or gfGeoTrans object)
fem fem descriptor (or gfFem object)
eltm elementary matrix descriptor (or gfEltm object)
integ integration method descriptor (or gfInteg object)
model model descriptor (or gfModel object)
global_function global function descriptor
mesher_object mesher object descriptor
cont_struct continuation-structure descriptor

Arguments listed between square brackets are optional. Lists between braces indicate that the argument must match one of the elements of the list. For example:

>> [X,Y]=dummy(int i, 'foo' | 'bar' [,vec v])

means that the dummy function takes two or three arguments, its first being an integer value, the second a string which is either ‘foo’ or ‘bar’, and a third optional argument. It returns two values (with the usual matlab meaning, i.e. the caller can always choose to ignore them).

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