gf_mesh_levelset_set(mesh_levelset MLS, 'add', levelset ls)
gf_mesh_levelset_set(mesh_levelset MLS, 'sup', levelset ls)
gf_mesh_levelset_set(mesh_levelset MLS, 'adapt')
Description :
General function for modification of mesh_levelset objects.
Command list :
gf_mesh_levelset_set(mesh_levelset MLS, 'add', levelset ls)
Add a link to the levelset <literal>ls</literal>.
Only a reference is kept, no copy is done. In order to indicate that the linked mesh is cut by a levelset one has to call this method, where <literal>ls</literal> is an levelset object. An arbitrary number of levelset can be added.
The mesh of <literal>ls</literal> and the linked mesh must be the same.
gf_mesh_levelset_set(mesh_levelset MLS, 'sup', levelset ls)
Remove a link to the levelset <literal>ls</literal>.gf_mesh_levelset_set(mesh_levelset MLS, 'adapt')
Do all the work (cut the convexes with the levelsets).
To initialice the mesh_levelset object or to actualize it when the value of any levelset function is modified, one has to call this method.