

sl = gf_slice(sliceop, {slice sl|{mesh m| mesh_fem mf, vec U}, int refine}[, mat CVfids])
sl = gf_slice('streamlines', mesh_fem mf, mat U, mat S)
sl = gf_slice('points', mesh m, mat Pts)
sl = gf_slice('load', string filename[, mesh m])

Description :

General constructor for slice objects.

Creation of a mesh slice. Mesh slices are very similar to a P1-discontinuous mesh_fem on which interpolation is very fast. The slice is built from a mesh object, and a description of the slicing operation, for example:

sl = gf_slice({'planar',+1,[0;0],[1;0]}, m, 5);

cuts the original mesh with the half space {y>0}. Each convex of the original mesh <literal>m</literal> is simplexified (for example a quadrangle is splitted into 2 triangles), and each simplex is refined 5 times.

Slicing operations can be:

  • cutting with a plane, a sphere or a cylinder
  • intersection or union of slices
  • isovalues surfaces/volumes
  • “points”, “streamlines” (see below)

If the first argument is a mesh_fem <literal>mf</literal> instead of a mesh, and if it is followed by a <literal>mf</literal>-field <literal>u</literal>, then the deformation <literal>u</literal> will be applied to the mesh before the slicing operation.

The first argument can also be a slice.

Command list :

sl = gf_slice(sliceop, {slice sl|{mesh m| mesh_fem mf, vec U}, int refine}[, mat CVfids])

Create a slice using <literal>sliceop</literal> operation.

<literal>sliceop</literal> operation is specified with Scilab CELL arrays (i.e. with braces) . The first element is the name of the operation, followed the slicing options:

  • {‘none’} : Does not cut the mesh.

  • {‘planar’, int orient, vec p, vec n} : Planar cut. <literal>p</literal> and <literal>n</literal> define a half-space, <literal>p</literal> being a point belong to the boundary of the half-space, and <literal>n</literal> being its normal. If <literal>orient</literal> is equal to -1 (resp. 0, +1), then the slicing operation will cut the mesh with the “interior” (resp. “boundary”, “exterior”) of the half-space. <literal>orient</literal> may also be set to +2 which means that the mesh will be sliced, but both the outer and inner parts will be kept.

  • {‘ball’, int orient, vec c, scalar r} : Cut with a ball of center <literal>c</literal> and radius <literal>r</literal>.

  • {‘cylinder’, int orient, vec p1, vec p2, scalar r} : Cut with a cylinder whose axis is the line <literal>(p1, p2)</literal> and whose radius is <literal>r</literal>.

  • {‘isovalues’, int orient, mesh_fem mf, vec U, scalar s} : Cut using the isosurface of the field <literal>U</literal> (defined on the mesh_fem <literal>mf</literal>). The result is the set <literal>{x such that <latex style=”text”><![CDATA[U(x) leq s]]></latex>}</literal> or <literal>{x such that </literal>U<literal>(x)=</literal>s<literal>}</literal> or <literal>{x such that </literal>U<literal>(x) >= </literal>s<literal>}</literal> depending on the value of <literal>orient</literal>.

  • {‘boundary’[, SLICEOP]} : Return the boundary of the result of SLICEOP, where SLICEOP is any slicing operation. If SLICEOP is not specified, then the whole mesh is considered (i.e. it is equivalent to {‘boundary’,{‘none’}}).

  • {‘explode’, mat Coef} : Build an ‘exploded’ view of the mesh: each convex is shrinked (<latex style=”text”><![CDATA[0 < text{Coef} leq 1]]></latex>). In the case of 3D convexes, only their faces are kept.

  • {‘union’, SLICEOP1, SLICEOP2} : Returns the union of slicing operations.

  • {‘intersection’, SLICEOP1, SLICEOP2} : Returns the intersection of slicing operations, for example:

    sl = gf_slice({intersection',{'planar',+1,[0;0;0],[0;0;1]},
  • {‘comp’, SLICEOP} : Returns the complementary of slicing operations.

  • {‘diff’, SLICEOP1, SLICEOP2} : Returns the difference of slicing operations.

  • {‘mesh’, mesh m} : Build a slice which is the intersection of the sliced mesh with another mesh. The slice is such that all of its simplexes are stricly contained into a convex of each mesh.

sl = gf_slice('streamlines', mesh_fem mf, mat U, mat S)

Compute streamlines of the (vector) field <literal>U</literal>, with seed points given by the columns of <literal>S</literal>.

sl = gf_slice('points', mesh m, mat Pts)

Return the “slice” composed of points given by the columns of <literal>Pts</literal> (useful for interpolation on a given set of sparse points, see <literal></literal>gf_compute(‘interpolate on’,sl)<literal></literal>.

sl = gf_slice('load', string filename[, mesh m])

Load the slice (and its linked mesh if it is not given as an argument) from a text file.

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