GetFEM++  5.3
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /* -*- c++ -*- (enables emacs c++ mode) */
2 /*===========================================================================
4  Copyright (C) 1999-2017 Yves Renard
6  This file is a part of GetFEM++
8  GetFEM++ is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
9  under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
10  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
11  (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
12  Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
13  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14  WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
15  or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public
16  License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
17  You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
18  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
19  Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
21  As a special exception, you may use this file as it is a part of a free
22  software library without restriction. Specifically, if other files
23  instantiate templates or use macros or inline functions from this file,
24  or you compile this file and link it with other files to produce an
25  executable, this file does not by itself cause the resulting executable
26  to be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License. This exception
27  does not however invalidate any other reasons why the executable file
28  might be covered by the GNU Lesser General Public License.
30 ===========================================================================*/
32 /**@file getfem_mesh.h
33  @author Yves Renard <>
34  @date November 05, 1999.
35  @brief Define a getfem::getfem_mesh object.
36 */
38 #ifndef GETFEM_MESH_H__
39 #define GETFEM_MESH_H__
41 #include <bitset>
42 #include "bgeot_ftool.h"
43 #include "bgeot_mesh.h"
44 #include "bgeot_geotrans_inv.h"
45 #include "getfem_context.h"
46 #include "getfem_mesh_region.h"
47 #include <memory>
50 namespace getfem {
52  /* Version counter for convexes. */
53  gmm::uint64_type APIDECL act_counter();
55  class integration_method;
56  typedef std::shared_ptr<const integration_method> pintegration_method;
58  /**@addtogroup mesh*/
59  /**@{*/
61  /** Describe a mesh (collection of convexes (elements) and points).
62  Note that mesh object have no copy constructor, use
63  mesh::copy_from instead. This class inherits from
64  bgeot::mesh<base_node> and bgeot::mesh_structure. Compared to
65  bgeot::mesh, It provides some additional methods for convenience
66  (add_simplex_by_points etc...), and it is able to send
67  "messages" to objects that depend on it (for example
68  getfem::mesh_fem) when something in the mesh has been
69  modified. For example, when a convex is removed from the mesh,
70  the mesh_fem that uses this mesh automagically removes any finite
71  element on the convex, and renumbers the dof.
73  Points and convex numbering:
75  The numbering of points and convexes is not dynamical, which
76  means that when a point or a convex has been removed from the mesh,
77  there might be holes in the numbering. To loop over the set of
78  valid points in the mesh, one should use
80  @code
81  for (dal::bv_visitor ip(mesh.points_index()); !ip.finished(); ++ip) {
82  ...
83  }
84  @endcode
86  instead of
88  @code
89  for (size_type ip = 0; ip < mesh.nb_points(); ++ip) {
90  }
91  @endcode
92  (same thing for the convexes, always use convex_index()).
93  */
95  class APIDECL mesh : public bgeot::basic_mesh,
96  public context_dependencies,
97  virtual public dal::static_stored_object,
98  public std::enable_shared_from_this<mesh>
99  {
100  public :
103  typedef bgeot::mesh_structure::ind_cv_ct ind_cv_ct;
104  typedef bgeot::mesh_structure::ind_set ind_set;
112  protected :
113  /*
114  * When a new field is added, do NOT forget to add it in copy_from method!
115  */
117  mutable std::map<size_type, mesh_region> cvf_sets;
118  mutable dal::bit_vector valid_cvf_sets;
119  void handle_region_refinement(size_type, const std::vector<size_type> &,
120  bool);
122  mutable bool cuthill_mckee_uptodate;
124  mutable std::vector<size_type> cmk_order; // cuthill-mckee
125  void init();
128  mutable bool modified;
129  mutable mesh_region mpi_region;
130  mutable std::map<size_type, mesh_region> mpi_sub_region;
131  // mutable dal::dynamic_array<mesh_region> mpi_sub_region;
132  mutable dal::bit_vector valid_sub_regions;
134  void touch() {
135  modified = true; cuthill_mckee_uptodate = false;
136  context_dependencies::touch();
137  }
138  void compute_mpi_region() const ;
139  void compute_mpi_sub_region(size_type) const;
141  public :
143  const mesh_region& get_mpi_region() const
144  { if (modified) compute_mpi_region(); return mpi_region; }
145  const mesh_region& get_mpi_sub_region(size_type n) const {
146  if (modified) compute_mpi_region();
147  if (n == size_type(-1)) return mpi_region;
148  if (!(valid_sub_regions.is_in(n))) compute_mpi_sub_region(n);
149  return mpi_sub_region[n];
150  }
151  void intersect_with_mpi_region(mesh_region &rg) const;
152 #else
153  void touch()
154  { cuthill_mckee_uptodate = false; context_dependencies::touch(); }
155  public :
156  const mesh_region get_mpi_region() const
157  { return mesh_region::all_convexes(); }
158  const mesh_region get_mpi_sub_region(size_type n) const {
159  if (n == size_type(-1)) return get_mpi_region();
160  return cvf_sets[n];
161  }
162  void intersect_with_mpi_region(mesh_region &) const {}
163 #endif
165  /// Constructor.
166  explicit mesh(const std::string name = "");
167  mesh(const bgeot::basic_mesh &m, const std::string name = "");
168  mesh(const mesh &m);
169  mesh &operator=(const mesh &m);
171  inline std::string get_name() const {return name_;}
172  void update_from_context() const {}
173  /// Mesh dimension.
174  using basic_mesh::dim;
175  /// Return the array of PT.
176  using basic_mesh::points;
177  PT_TAB &points() { return pts; } // non-const version
179  /// Return a (pseudo)container of the points of a given convex
180  using basic_mesh::points_of_convex;
181  /// Return a (pseudo)container of points of face of a given convex
182  ref_mesh_face_pt_ct points_of_face_of_convex(size_type ic,
183  short_type f) const {
184  ind_pt_face_ct rct = ind_points_of_face_of_convex(ic, f);
185  return ref_mesh_face_pt_ct(pts.begin(), rct.begin(), rct.end());
186  }
188  /// return a bgeot::convex object for the convex number ic.
189  ref_convex convex(size_type ic) const
190  { return ref_convex(structure_of_convex(ic), points_of_convex(ic)); }
192  using basic_mesh::add_point;
193  /// Give the number of geometrical nodes in the mesh.
194  size_type nb_points() const { return pts.card(); }
195  /// Return the points index
196  const dal::bit_vector &points_index() const { return pts.index(); }
197  /** Delete the point of index i from the mesh if it is not linked to a
198  convex.
199  */
200  void sup_point(size_type i) { if (!is_point_valid(i)) pts.sup_node(i); }
201  /// Swap the indexes of points of index i and j in the whole structure.
203  { if (i != j) { pts.swap_points(i,j); mesh_structure::swap_points(i,j); } }
204  /** Search a point given its coordinates.
205  @param pt the point that is searched.
206  @return the point index if pt was found in (or approximatively in)
207  the mesh nodes, size_type(-1) if not found.
208  */
209  size_type search_point(const base_node &pt, const scalar_type radius=0) const
210  { return pts.search_node(pt,radius); }
212  using basic_mesh::trans_of_convex;
214  /// return the version number of the convex ic.
215  gmm::uint64_type convex_version_number(size_type ic) const
216  { return cvs_v_num[ic]; }
218  /** Add a convex to the mesh.
219  This methods assume that the convex nodes have already been
220  added to the mesh.
221  @param pgt the geometric transformation of the convex.
222  @param ipts an iterator to a set of point index.
223  @return the number of the new convex.
224  */
225  template<class ITER>
227  bool present;
228  size_type i = bgeot::mesh_structure::add_convex(pgt->structure(),
229  ipts, &present);
230  gtab[i] = pgt; trans_exists[i] = true;
231  if (!present) { cvs_v_num[i] = act_counter(); touch(); }
232  return i;
233  }
235  /** Add a convex to the mesh, given a geometric transformation and a
236  list of point coordinates.
238  As a side-effect, the points are also added to the mesh (if
239  they were not already in the mesh).
241  @param pgt the geometric transformation of the convex.
242  @param ipts an iterator on a set of getfem::base_node.
243  @return the number of the new convex.
244  */
245  template<class ITER>
246  size_type add_convex_by_points(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt, ITER ipts,
247  const scalar_type tol=scalar_type(0));
249  /** Add a simplex to the mesh, given its dimension and point numbers.
250  */
251  template<class ITER>
252  size_type add_simplex(dim_type di, ITER ipts)
253  { return add_convex(bgeot::simplex_geotrans(di, 1), ipts); }
254  /** Add a simplex to the mesh, given its dimension and point coordinates.
255  @see add_convex_by_points.
256  */
257  template<class ITER>
258  size_type add_simplex_by_points(dim_type dim, ITER ipts);
259  /** Add a segment to the mesh, given the point id of its vertices. */
260  size_type add_segment(size_type a, size_type b);
261  /** Add a segment to the mesh, given the coordinates of its vertices. */
262  size_type add_segment_by_points(const base_node &pt1,
263  const base_node &pt2) {
264  size_type ipt1 = add_point(pt1);
265  size_type ipt2 = add_point(pt2);
266  return add_segment(ipt1, ipt2);
267  }
268  /** Add a triangle to the mesh, given the point id of its vertices. */
269  size_type add_triangle(size_type a,size_type b, size_type c);
270  /** Add a triangle to the mesh, given the coordinates of its vertices. */
271  size_type add_triangle_by_points(const base_node &p1,
272  const base_node &p2,
273  const base_node &p3);
274  /** Add a tetrahedron to the mesh, given the point id of its vertices. */
275  size_type add_tetrahedron(size_type a,
276  size_type b, size_type c, size_type d);
277  /** Add a tetrahedron to the mesh, given the coordinates of its vertices. */
278  size_type add_tetrahedron_by_points(const base_node &p1,
279  const base_node &p2,
280  const base_node &p3,
281  const base_node &p4);
282  /** Add a pyramid to the mesh, given the point id of its vertices. */
283  size_type add_pyramid(size_type a,
285  /** Add a parallelepiped to the mesh.
286  @param di dimension of the parallelepiped
287  @param ipts iterator on the list of point id.
288  @return the number of the new convex.
289  */
290  template<class ITER>
291  size_type add_parallelepiped(dim_type di, const ITER &ipts);
292  /** Add a parallelepiped to the mesh.
293  @param di dimension of the parallelepiped
294  @param ps iterator on the list of point coordinates.
295  @return the number of the new convex.
296  */
297  template<class ITER>
298  size_type add_parallelepiped_by_points(dim_type di, const ITER &ps);
299  /* Add a parallelepiped of dimension dim to the
300  * mesh. org is the point of type base_node representing
301  * the origine and "it" is an iterator on a list of
302  * vectors of type base_vector.
303  * Return the index of the convex in the mesh.
305  template<class ITER>
306  size_type add_parallelepiped_by_vectors(dim_type di,
307  const base_node &org, const ITER &vects);
308  */
309  /** Add a prism to the mesh.
310  @param di dimension of the prism
311  @param ipts iterator on the list of point id.
312  @return the number of the new convex.
313  */
314  template<class ITER>
315  size_type add_prism(dim_type di, const ITER &ipts);
317  /** Add a prism to the mesh.
318  @param di dimension of the prism
319  @param ps iterator on the list of point coordinates.
320  @return the number of the new convex.
321  */
322  template<class ITER>
323  size_type add_prism_by_points(dim_type di, const ITER &ps);
325  size_type add_face_of_convex(size_type, short_type)
326  { GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, to be done"); }
328  void add_faces_of_convex(size_type)
329  { GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Sorry, to be done"); }
331  /// Delete the convex of index ic from the mesh.
332  void sup_convex(size_type ic, bool sup_points = false);
333  /** Swap the indexes of the convex of indexes i and j
334  * in the whole structure.
335  */
336  void swap_convex(size_type i, size_type j);
338  /** Return the normal of the given convex face, evaluated at the point pt.
339  @param ic the convex number.
340  @param f the face number.
341  @param pt the point at which the normal is taken, in the
342  reference convex. This point should of course be on the
343  correspounding face of the reference convex, except if the
344  geometric transformation is linear: in that case, the normal
345  constant.
346  @return the face normal.
347  */
348  base_small_vector normal_of_face_of_convex(size_type ic, short_type f,
349  const base_node &pt) const;
350  /* Return the normal of the given convex face.
352  @param ic the convex number.
353  @param f the face number.
354  @param n local point index in the reference convex, at which the normal will be evaluated -- should be faster than the function above since it uses a bgeot::geotrans_precomp .
356  @return the face normal.
357  */
358  base_small_vector normal_of_face_of_convex(size_type ic, short_type f,
359  size_type n=0) const;
362  /* Return the outward unit normal vector of the given element
363  face computed on the mean of the geometrical nodes of the face.
365  @param ic the convex number.
366  @param f the face number.
367  @return the face normal.
368  */
369  base_small_vector mean_normal_of_face_of_convex(size_type ic,
370  short_type f) const;
371  /** Return a local basis for the convex face.
372  @param ic the convex number.
373  @param f the face number.
374  @param pt the point coordinates.
375  @return a matrix with the normal vector in its first column, and the
376  tangent vectors in the other columns.
377  */
378  base_matrix local_basis_of_face_of_convex(size_type ic, short_type f,
379  const base_node &pt) const;
380  /** Return a local basis for the convex face.
381  @param ic the convex number.
382  @param f the face number.
383  @param n local point index in the reference convex, at which the basis will be evaluated -- should be faster than the function above since it uses a bgeot::geotrans_precomp .
384  @return a matrix with the normal vector in its first column, and the
385  tangent vectors in the other columns.
386  */
387  base_matrix local_basis_of_face_of_convex(size_type ic, short_type f,
388  size_type n) const;
389  /** Return an estimate of the convex quality (0 <= Q <= 1). */
390  scalar_type convex_quality_estimate(size_type ic) const;
391  /** Return an estimate of the convex area.
392  @param ic the convex number
393  @param degree the degree of the approximation integration
394  method used to compute the area.
395  */
396  scalar_type convex_area_estimate(size_type ic, size_type degree=2) const;
397  /** Return an estimate of the convex largest dimension. @see getfem::convex_quality_estimate */
398  virtual scalar_type convex_radius_estimate(size_type ic) const;
399  /** Return an estimate of the convex smallest dimension. @see getfem::convex_radius_estimate */
400  scalar_type minimal_convex_radius_estimate() const;
401  /** Return an estimate of the convex largest dimension. @see getfem::convex_radius_estimate */
402  scalar_type maximal_convex_radius_estimate() const;
403  /** Apply the given translation to each mesh node. */
404  void translation(const base_small_vector &);
405  /** apply the given matrix transformation to each mesh node. */
406  void transformation(const base_matrix &);
407  /** Return the bounding box [Pmin - Pmax] of the mesh. */
408  void bounding_box(base_node& Pmin, base_node &Pmax) const;
409  /** Return the region of index 'id'. Regions stored in mesh are
410  updated when the mesh is modified (i.e. when a convex is
411  removed from the mesh, it is also removed from all regions of
412  the mesh.
413  */
414  const mesh_region region(size_type id) const {
415  if (id == mesh_region::all_convexes().id())
416  return mesh_region::all_convexes();
417  else if (!has_region(id)) {
418  valid_cvf_sets.add(id);
419  cvf_sets[id] = mesh_region(const_cast<mesh&>(*this),id);
420  }
421  return cvf_sets[id];
422  }
423  /* Return a reference such that operator= works as expected */
424  mesh_region &region(size_type id) {
425  if (!has_region(id)) {
426  valid_cvf_sets.add(id);
427  cvf_sets[id] = mesh_region(*this,id);
428  }
429  return cvf_sets[id];
430  }
431  /** Return true if the region of index 's' exists in the mesh */
432  bool has_region(size_type s) const { return valid_cvf_sets[s]; }
433  void add_face_to_set(size_type s, size_type c, short_type f) IS_DEPRECATED;
434  const dal::bit_vector &regions_index() const { return valid_cvf_sets; }
436  /*
437  void sup_face_from_set(size_type b, size_type c, short_type f)
438  { if (valid_cvf_sets[b]) { cvf_sets[b].sup(c,f); touch(); } }*/
439  /** Remove the region of index b. */
441  if (valid_cvf_sets[b])
442  { cvf_sets[b].clear(); valid_cvf_sets.sup(b); touch(); }
443  }
444  /** Remove all references to a convex from all regions stored in the mesh.
445  @param cv the convex number.*/
446  void sup_convex_from_regions(size_type cv);
447  /** Pack the mesh : renumber convexes and nodes such that there
448  is no holes in their numbering. Do NOT do the Cuthill-McKee. */
449  void optimize_structure(bool with_renumbering = true);
450  /// Return the list of convex IDs for a Cuthill-McKee ordering
451  const std::vector<size_type> &cuthill_mckee_ordering() const;
452  /// Erase the mesh.
453  void clear();
454  /** Write the mesh to a file. The format is getfem-specific.
455  @param name the file name.
456  */
457  void write_to_file(const std::string &name) const;
458  /** Write the mesh to a text stream.
459  @param ost the stream.
460  */
461  void write_to_file(std::ostream &ost) const;
462  /** Load the mesh from a file.
463  @param name the file name.
464  @see getfem::import_mesh.
465  */
466  void read_from_file(const std::string &name);
467  /** Load the mesh from a text stream.
468  @param ist the text stream.
469  @see getfem::import_mesh.
470  */
471  void read_from_file(std::istream &ist);
472  /** Clone a mesh */
473  void copy_from(const mesh& m); /* might be the copy constructor */
474  size_type memsize() const;
476  friend class mesh_region;
477  private:
478  void swap_convex_in_regions(size_type c1, size_type c2);
479  void touch_from_region(size_type /*id*/) { touch(); }
480  void to_edges() {} /* to be done, the to_edges of mesh_structure does */
481  /* not handle geotrans */
483  //
484  // Bank refinement
485  //
487  // TODO : - mise a jour des mesh_regions ;
488  // - dialogue avec mesh_im et mesh_fem
490  struct green_simplex {
492  std::vector<size_type> sub_simplices;
494  std::vector<size_type> ipt_loc;
495  };
496  struct edge {
497  size_type i0, i1, i2;
498  bool operator <(const edge &e) const;
499  edge(size_type a, size_type b) : i0(0), i1(a), i2(b) {}
500  edge(size_type a, size_type b, size_type c) : i0(a), i1(b), i2(c) {}
501  };
502  typedef std::set<edge> edge_set;
504  struct Bank_info_struct {
505  dal::bit_vector is_green_simplex; // indices of green simplices.
506  std::map<size_type, size_type> num_green_simplex;
507  dal::dynamic_tas<green_simplex> green_simplices;
508  edge_set edges;
509  };
511  std::unique_ptr<Bank_info_struct> Bank_info;
513  std::string name_; //optional name of the mesh
514  void set_name(const std::string&);
516  void Bank_convex_with_edge(size_type, size_type,
517  std::vector<size_type> &);
518  bool Bank_is_convex_having_points(size_type,
519  const std::vector<size_type> &);
520  void Bank_sup_convex_from_green(size_type);
521  void Bank_swap_convex(size_type, size_type);
522  void Bank_build_first_mesh(mesh &, size_type);
523  void Bank_basic_refine_convex(size_type);
524  void Bank_refine_normal_convex(size_type);
525  size_type Bank_test_and_refine_convex(size_type, dal::bit_vector &,
526  bool = true);
527  void Bank_build_green_simplexes(size_type, std::vector<size_type> &);
529  public :
531  /** Use the Bank strategy to refine some convexes. */
532  void Bank_refine(dal::bit_vector);
534  };
536  /* Dummy mesh for default parameter of functions. */
537  const mesh &dummy_mesh();
540  inline void APIDECL mesh::add_face_to_set(size_type s, size_type c, short_type f) {
541  region(s).add(c,f);
542  }
544  /**
545  * build a N+1 dimensions mesh from a N-dimensions mesh by extrusion.
546  */
547  void APIDECL extrude(const mesh& in, mesh& out, size_type nb_layers,
548  short_type degree=short_type(1));
550  template<class ITER>
552  ITER ipts, const scalar_type tol)
553  {
554  short_type nb = short_type(pgt->nb_points());
555  std::vector<size_type> ind(nb);
556  for (short_type i = 0; i < nb; ++ipts, ++i) ind[i] = add_point(*ipts, tol);
557  return add_convex(pgt, ind.begin());
558  }
560  template<class ITER>
561  size_type mesh::add_simplex_by_points(dim_type di, ITER ipts)
562  { return add_convex_by_points(bgeot::simplex_geotrans(di, 1), ipts); }
564  template<class ITER>
565  size_type mesh::add_parallelepiped(dim_type di, const ITER &ipts)
566  { return add_convex(bgeot::parallelepiped_geotrans(di, 1), ipts); }
568  template<class ITER>
570  (dim_type di, const ITER &ps)
571  { return add_convex_by_points(bgeot::parallelepiped_geotrans(di, 1), ps); }
573  template<class ITER>
574  size_type mesh::add_prism(dim_type di, const ITER &ipts)
575  { return add_convex(bgeot::prism_geotrans(di, 1), ipts); }
577  template<class ITER>
579  (dim_type di, const ITER &ps)
580  { return add_convex_by_points(bgeot::prism_geotrans(di, 1), ps); }
582  /** rough estimate of the convex area.
583  @param pgt the geometric transformation.
584  @param pts the convex nodes.
585  @param pai the approximate integration used for the computation
586  of the convex area.
587  */
588  scalar_type APIDECL convex_area_estimate(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt,
589  const base_matrix& pts,
590  pintegration_method pim);
592  /** rough estimate of the maximum value of the condition
593  * number of the jacobian of the geometric transformation */
594  scalar_type APIDECL convex_quality_estimate(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt,
595  const base_matrix& pts);
597  /** rough estimate of the radius of the convex using the largest eigenvalue
598  * of the jacobian of the geometric transformation */
599  scalar_type APIDECL convex_radius_estimate(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt,
600  const base_matrix& pts);
602  /* stores a convex face. if f == -1, it is the whole convex. */
603  struct convex_face;
604  typedef std::vector<convex_face> convex_face_ct;
605  struct APIDECL convex_face {
606  size_type cv;
607  short_type f;
608  inline bool operator < (const convex_face &e) const {
609  if (cv < return true;
610  if (cv > return false;
611  if (f < e.f) return true; else if (f > e.f) return false;
612  return false;
613  }
614  bool is_face() const { return f != short_type(-1); }
615  convex_face(size_type cv_, short_type f_=short_type(-1)) : cv(cv_), f(f_) {}
616  convex_face() : cv(size_type(-1)), f(short_type(-1)) {}
617  }; // IS_DEPRECATED;
619  /** returns a list of "exterior" faces of a mesh
620  * (i.e. faces which are not shared by two convexes)
621  * + convexes whose dimension is smaller that m.dim()
622  */
623  void APIDECL outer_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m, const dal::bit_vector& cvlst,
624  convex_face_ct& flist);
626  inline void APIDECL outer_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m, convex_face_ct& flist)
628  inline void outer_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m, convex_face_ct& flist)
629  { outer_faces_of_mesh(m,m.convex_index(),flist); }
631  void APIDECL outer_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m, const mesh_region &cvlst,
632  mesh_region &flist);
634  inline void APIDECL outer_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m, mesh_region &flist)
635  { outer_faces_of_mesh(m,m.convex_index(),flist); }
638  inline mesh_region APIDECL outer_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m)
639  { mesh_region fl; outer_faces_of_mesh(m,m.convex_index(),fl); return fl; }
641  /** Select all the faces sharing at least two element of the given mesh
642  region. Each face is represented only once and is arbitrarily chosen
643  between the two neighbour elements.
644  */
646  (const mesh &m, mesh_region mr = mesh_region::all_convexes());
648  /** Select in the region mr the faces of the mesh m with their unit
649  outward vector having a maximal angle "angle" with the vector V.
650  */
651  mesh_region APIDECL select_faces_of_normal(const mesh &m,
652  const mesh_region &mr,
653  const base_small_vector &V,
654  scalar_type angle);
656  /** Select in the region mr the faces of the mesh m lying entirely in the
657  box delimated by pt1 and pt2.
658  */
659  mesh_region APIDECL
660  select_faces_in_box(const mesh &m, const mesh_region &mr,
661  const base_node &pt1,
662  const base_node &pt2);
664  mesh_region APIDECL
665  select_convexes_in_box(const mesh &m, const mesh_region &mr,
666  const base_node &pt1,
667  const base_node &pt2);
669  inline mesh_region APIDECL
670  select_convexes_in_box(const mesh &m,
671  const base_node &pt1,
672  const base_node &pt2)
673  { return select_convexes_in_box(m, m.region(-1), pt1, pt2); }
675  ///@}
676 } /* end of namespace getfem. */
679 #endif /* GETFEM_MESH_H__ */
size_type add_parallelepiped(dim_type di, const ITER &ipts)
Add a parallelepiped to the mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:565
structure used to hold a set of convexes and/or convex faces.
mesh_region APIDECL select_faces_in_box(const mesh &m, const mesh_region &mr, const base_node &pt1, const base_node &pt2)
Select in the region mr the faces of the mesh m lying entirely in the box delimated by pt1 and pt2...
region objects (set of convexes and/or convex faces)
indexed array reference (given a container X, and a set of indexes I, this class provides a pseudo-co...
Definition: gmm_ref.h:289
base class for static stored objects
static mesh_region all_convexes()
provide a default value for the mesh_region parameters of assembly procedures etc.
scalar_type APIDECL convex_area_estimate(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt, const base_matrix &pts, pintegration_method pim)
rough estimate of the convex area.
bool has_region(size_type s) const
Return true if the region of index &#39;s&#39; exists in the mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:432
ref_mesh_face_pt_ct points_of_face_of_convex(size_type ic, short_type f) const
Return a (pseudo)container of points of face of a given convex.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:182
size_type add_simplex(dim_type di, ITER ipts)
Add a simplex to the mesh, given its dimension and point numbers.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:252
Describe a mesh (collection of convexes (elements) and points).
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:95
size_type add_segment_by_points(const base_node &pt1, const base_node &pt2)
Add a segment to the mesh, given the coordinates of its vertices.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:262
ref_convex convex(size_type ic) const
return a bgeot::convex object for the convex number ic.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:189
size_type add_convex(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt, ITER ipts)
Add a convex to the mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:226
generic definition of a convex ( bgeot::convex_structure + vertices coordinates ) ...
Definition: bgeot_convex.h:50
void sup_point(size_type i)
Delete the point of index i from the mesh if it is not linked to a convex.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:200
size_t size_type
used as the common size type in the library
Definition: bgeot_poly.h:49
Inversion of geometric transformations.
mesh_region APIDECL inner_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m, mesh_region mr=mesh_region::all_convexes())
Select all the faces sharing at least two element of the given mesh region.
void update_from_context() const
this function has to be defined and should update the object when the context is modified.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:172
size_type add_prism_by_points(dim_type di, const ITER &ps)
Add a prism to the mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:579
size_type search_point(const base_node &pt, const scalar_type radius=0) const
Search a point given its coordinates.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:209
size_type add_prism(dim_type di, const ITER &ipts)
Add a prism to the mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:574
void APIDECL extrude(const mesh &in, mesh &out, size_type nb_layers, short_type degree=short_type(1))
build a N+1 dimensions mesh from a N-dimensions mesh by extrusion.
Deal with interdependencies of objects.
GEneric Tool for Finite Element Methods.
scalar_type APIDECL convex_radius_estimate(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt, const base_matrix &pts)
rough estimate of the radius of the convex using the largest eigenvalue of the jacobian of the geomet...
gmm::uint16_type short_type
used as the common short type integer in the library
Definition: bgeot_config.h:79
scalar_type APIDECL convex_quality_estimate(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt, const base_matrix &pts)
rough estimate of the maximum value of the condition number of the jacobian of the geometric transfor...
Deal with interdependencies of objects (getfem::context_dependencies).
void sup_region(size_type b)
Remove the region of index b.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:440
size_type add_convex(pconvex_structure cs, ITER ipts, bool *present=0)
Insert a new convex in the mesh_structure.
"File Tools"
Store a set of points, identifying points that are nearer than a certain very small distance...
mesh_region APIDECL select_faces_of_normal(const mesh &m, const mesh_region &mr, const base_small_vector &V, scalar_type angle)
Select in the region mr the faces of the mesh m with their unit outward vector having a maximal angle...
size_type add_simplex_by_points(dim_type dim, ITER ipts)
Add a simplex to the mesh, given its dimension and point coordinates.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:561
const dal::bit_vector & points_index() const
Return the points index.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:196
size_type nb_points() const
Give the number of geometrical nodes in the mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:194
const mesh_region region(size_type id) const
Return the region of index &#39;id&#39;.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:414
size_type add_convex_by_points(bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt, ITER ipts, const scalar_type tol=scalar_type(0))
Add a convex to the mesh, given a geometric transformation and a list of point coordinates.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:551
gmm::uint64_type convex_version_number(size_type ic) const
return the version number of the convex ic.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:215
void swap_points(size_type i, size_type j)
Swap the indexes of points of index i and j in the whole structure.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:202
const dal::bit_vector & convex_index() const
Return the list of valid convex IDs.
std::shared_ptr< const bgeot::geometric_trans > pgeometric_trans
pointer type for a geometric transformation
size_type add_parallelepiped_by_points(dim_type di, const ITER &ps)
Add a parallelepiped to the mesh.
Definition: getfem_mesh.h:570
Basic mesh definition.
void APIDECL outer_faces_of_mesh(const mesh &m, const dal::bit_vector &cvlst, convex_face_ct &flist)
returns a list of "exterior" faces of a mesh (i.e.