Incorporate new approximated integration methods in GetFEM++ΒΆ

A perl script automatically incorporates new cubature methods from a description file. You can see in the directory cubature such description files (with extension .IM) . For instance for IM_TETRAHEDRON(5) the following file describes the method:

N = 3
NBPT = 4
0, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.008818342151675485
1, 0.31979362782962991, 0.31979362782962991, 0.31979362782962991, 0.011511367871045398
1, 0.091971078052723033, 0.091971078052723033, 0.091971078052723033, 0.01198951396316977
1, 0.056350832689629156, 0.056350832689629156, 0.44364916731037084, 0.008818342151675485

where NAME is the name of the method in GetFEM++ (constant integer parameter are allowed), N is the dimension, GEOTRANS describes a valid geometric transformation of GetFEM++. This geometric transformation just defines the reference element on which the integration method is described. NBPT is the number of integration node definitions. Integration node definitions include a symmetry definition such that the total number of integration nodes would be greater than NBPT.

Composition of the integration node definition:

  • an integer: 0 = no symmetry, 1 = full symmetric (x6 for a triangle, x4 for a quadrangle, x24 for a tetrahedron ...),
  • the N coordinates of the integration node,
  • the load.

NBF is the number of faces of the reference element (should correspond to GEOTRANS). Then follows an already existing integration method for each face (each on a line). This is necessary to make integrations on boundaries.

The file format is inspired from [EncyclopCubature].

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Incorporate new finite element methods in GetFEM++

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Level-sets, Xfem, fictitious domains, Cut-fem


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