Appendix A. Finite element method list

Symbols representing degree of freedom types
../_images/getfemlistsymbols00.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols01.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols02.png
Value of the function at the node. Value of the gradient along of the first coordinate. Value of the gradient along of the second coordinate.
../_images/getfemlistsymbols03.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols04.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols05.png
Value of the gradient along of the thrid coordinate for 3D elements. Value of the whole gradient at the node. Value of the normal derivative to a face.
../_images/getfemlistsymbols06.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols07.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols08.png
Value of the second derivative along the first coordinate (twice). Value of the second derivative along the second coordinate (twice). Value of the second cross derivative in 2D or second derivative along the thrid coordinate (twice) in 3D.
../_images/getfemlistsymbols09.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols10.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols11.png
Value of the whole second derivative (hessian) at the node. Scalar product with a certain vector (for instance an edge) for a vector elements. Scalar product with the normal to a face for a vector elements.
../_images/getfemlistsymbols12.png ../_images/getfemlistsymbols13.png  
Bubble function on an element or a face, to be specified. Lagrange hierarchical d.o.f. value at the node in a space of details.  

Let us recall that all finite element methods defined in GetFEM++ are declared in the file getfem_fem.h and that a descriptor on a finite element method is obtained thanks to the function:

getfem::pfem pf = getfem::fem_descriptor("name of method");

where "name of method" is a string to be choosen among the existing methods.

Classical P_K Lagrange elements on simplices


Examples of classical P_K Lagrange elements on a segment

It is possible to define a classical P_K Lagrange element of arbitrary dimension and arbitrary degree. Each degree of freedom of such an element corresponds to the value of the function on a corresponding node. The grid of node is the so-called Lagrange grid. Figures Examples of classical Lagrange elements on a segment.

Examples of classical P_K Lagrange elements on a triangle.
../_images/getfemlisttriangleP1.png ../_images/getfemlisttriangleP2.png
P_1, 3 d.o.f., C^0 P_2 element, 6 d.o.f., C^0
../_images/getfemlisttriangleP3.png ../_images/getfemlisttriangleP6.png
P_3, 10 d.o.f., C^0 P_6 element, 28 d.o.f., C^0

The number of degrees of freedom for a classical P_K Lagrange element of dimension P and degree K is \Frac{(P+K)!}{P!K!}. For instance, in dimension 2 (P = 2), this value is \Frac{(K+1)
(K+2)}{2} and in dimension 3 (P = 3), it is \Frac{(K+1) (K+2)

Examples of classical P_K Lagrange elements on a tetrahedron.
../_images/getfemlisttetrahedronP1.png ../_images/getfemlisttetrahedronP2.png
P_1 element, 4 d.o.f., C^0 P_2 element, 10 d.o.f., C^0
P_4 element, 35 d.o.f., C^0  

The particular way used in GetFEM++ to numerate the nodes are also shown in figures segment, triangle and tetrahedron. Using another numeration, let

i_0, i_1, ... i_P,

be somme indices such that

0 \leq i_0, i_1, ... i_P \leq K, \ \mbox{ and } \ \sum_{n = 0}^{P} i_n = K.

Then, the coordinate of a node can be computed as

a_{i_0, i_1, ... i_P} = \sum_{n = 0}^{P} \Frac{i_n}{K}S_n, \ \ \mbox{ for } K \neq 0,

where S_0, S_1, ... S_N are the vertices of the simplex (for K = 0 the particular choice a_{0, 0, ... 0} = \ds \sum_{n = 0}^{P}
\Frac{1}{P+1}S_n has been chosen). Then each base function, corresponding of each node a_{i_0, i_1, ... i_P} is defined by

\phi_{i_0, i_1, ... i_P} = \prod_{n = 0}^{P} \prod_{j=0}^{i_n-1} \left(\Frac{K \lambda_n - j}{j+1}\right).

where \lambda_n are the barycentric coordinates, i.e. the polynomials of degree 1 whose value is 1 on the vertex S_n and whose value is 0 on other vertices. On the reference element, one has

\lambda_n = x_n, \ \ 0 \leq n < P,

\lambda_P = 1 - x_0 - x_1 - ... - x_{P-1}.

When between two elements of the same degrees (even with different dimensions), the d.o.f. of a common face are linked, the element is of class C^0. This means that the global polynomial is continuous. If you try to link elements of different degrees, you will get some trouble with the unlinked d.o.f. This is not automatically supported by GetFEM++, so you will have to support it (add constraints on these d.o.f.).

For some applications (computation of a gradient for instance) one may not want the d.o.f. of a common face to be linked. This is why there are two versions of the classical P_K Lagrange element.

Classical P_K Lagrange element "FEM_PK(P, K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K, 0 \leq K \leq 255 P, ~ 1 \leq P \leq 255 \Frac{(K+P)!}{K! P!} C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes


Discontinuous P_K Lagrange element "FEM_PK_DISCONTINUOUS(P, K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K, 0 \leq K \leq 255 P, ~ 1 \leq P \leq 255 \Frac{(K+P)!}{K! P!} discontinuous No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes

Even though Lagrange elements are defined for arbitrary degrees, to choose a high degree can be problematic for a large number of applications due to the “noisy” caracteristic of the lagrange basis. These elements are recommended for the basic interpolation but for p.d.e. applications elements with hierarchical basis are preferable (see the corresponding section).

Classical Lagrange elements on other geometries

Classical Lagrange elements on parallelepipeds or prisms are obtained as tensor product of Lagrange elements on simplices. When two elements are defined, one on a dimension P^1 and the other in dimension P^2, one obtains the base functions of the tensorial product (on the reference element) as

\widehat{\varphi}_{ij}(x,y) = \widehat{\varphi}^1_i(x) \widehat{\varphi}^2_j(y), ~~ x \in \Reel^{P^1}, y \in  \Reel^{P^2},

where \widehat{\varphi}^1_i and \widehat{\varphi}^2_i are respectively the base functions of the first and second element.

Examples of classical Q_K Lagrange elements in dimension 2.
../_images/getfemlistquadQ1.png ../_images/getfemlistquadQ3.png
Q_1 element, 4 d.o.f., C^0 Q_3 element, 16 d.o.f., C^0

The Q_K element on a parallelepiped of dimension P is obtained as the tensorial product of P classical P_K elements on the segment. Examples in dimension 2 are shown in figure dimension 2 and in dimension 3 in figure dimension 3.

A prism in dimension P > 1 is the direct product of a simplex of dimension P-1 with a segment. The P_K \otimes P_K element on this prism is the tensorial product of the classical P_K element on a simplex of dimension P-1 with the classical P_K element on a segment. For P=2 this coincide with a parallelepiped. Examples in dimension 3 are shown in figure dimension 3. This is also possible not to have the same degree on each dimension. An example is shown on figure dimension 3, prism.

Examples of classical Lagrange elements in dimension 3.
../_images/getfemlistcubeQ1.png ../_images/getfemlistcubeQ3.png
Q_1 element, 8 d.o.f., C^0 Q_3 element, 64 d.o.f., C^0
../_images/getfemlistprismP1.png ../_images/getfemlistprismP3.png
P_1 \otimes P_1 element, 6 d.o.f., C^0 P_3 \otimes P_3 element, 40 d.o.f., C^0



P_2 \otimes P_1 Lagrange element on a prism, 12 d.o.f., C^0


. Q_K Lagrange element on parallelepipeds "FEM_QK(P, K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
KP, 0 \leq K \leq 255 P, ~ 1 \leq P \leq 255 (K+1)^P C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes


. P_K \otimes P_K Lagrange element on prisms "FEM_PK_PRISM(P, K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
2K, 0 \leq K \leq 255 P, ~ 2 \leq P \leq 255 (K+1) \times~\Frac{(K+P-1)!}{K! (P-1)!} C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes


. P_{K_1} \otimes P_{K_2} Lagrange element on prisms "FEM_PRODUCT(FEM_PK(P-1, K1), FEM_PK(1, K2))"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K_1+K_2, 0 \leq K_1,K_2 \leq 255 P, ~ 2 \leq P \leq 255 (K_2+1) \times~\Frac{(K_1+P-1)!}{K_1! (P-1)!} C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes



Incomplete Q_2 elements in dimension two and three, 8 or 20 d.o.f., C^0


Incomplete Q_2 Lagrange element on parallelepipeds (Quad 8 and Hexa 20 serendipity elements) "FEM_Q2_INCOMPLETE(P)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 P, ~ 2 \leq P \leq 3 8\ \text{for}\ P = 2~~~~~ 20\ \text{for}\ P = 3 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes

Elements with hierarchical basis

The idea behind hierarchical basis is the description of the solution at different level: a rough level, a more refined level ... In the same discretization some degrees of freedom represent the rough description, some other the more rafined and so on. This corresponds to imbricated spaces of discretization. The hierarchical basis contains a basis of each of these spaces (this is not the case in classical Lagrange elements when the mesh is refined).

Among the advantages, the condition number of rigidity matrices can be greatly improved, it allows local raffinement and a resolution with a multigrid approach.

Hierarchical elements with respect to the degree


P_K Hierarchical element on a segment, C^0


. P_{K} Classical Lagrange element on simplices but with a hierarchical basis with respect to the degree "FEM_PK_HIERARCHICAL(P,K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K, 0 \leq K\leq 255 P, ~ 1 \leq P \leq 255 \Frac{(K+P)!}{K! P!} C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes


. Q_{K} Classical Lagrange element on parallelepipeds but with a hierarchical basis with respect to the degree "FEM_QK_HIERARCHICAL(P,K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K, 0 \leq K\leq 255 P, ~ 1 \leq P \leq 255 (K+1)^P C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes


. P_{K} Classical Lagrange element on prisms but with a hierarchical basis with respect to the degree "FEM_PK_PRISM_HIERARCHICAL(P,K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K, 0 \leq K\leq 255 P, ~ 2 \leq P \leq 255 (K+1) \times~\Frac{(K+P-1)!}{K! (P-1)!} C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) Yes

some particular choices: P_4 will be built with the basis of the P_1, the additional basis of the P_2 then the additional basis of the P_4.

P_6 will be built with the basis of the P_1, the additional basis :of the P_2 then the additional basis of the P_6 (not with the :basis of the P_1, the additional basis of the P_3 then the :additional basis of the P_6, it is possible to build the latter with :"FEM_GEN_HIERARCHICAL(a,b)")

Composite elements

The principal interest of the composite elements is to build hierarchical elements. But this tool can also be used to build piecewise polynomial elements.


composite element "FEM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(FEM_PK(2,1), 3)"


Composition of a finite element method on an element with S subdivisions "FEM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(FEM1, S)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
degree of FEM1 dimension of FEM1 variable variable No (Q = 1) If FEM1 is piecewise

It is important to use a corresponding composite integration method.

Hierarchical composite elements


hierarchical composite element "FEM_PK_HIERARCHICAL_COMPOSITE(2,1,3)"


Hierarchical composition of a P_K finite element method on a simplex with S subdivisions "FEM_PK_HIERARCHICAL_COMPOSITE(P,K,S)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K P \Frac{(SK+P)!}{(SK)! P!} variable No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) piecewise


Hierarchical composition of a hierarchical P_K finite element method on a simplex with S subdivisions "FEM_PK_FULL_HIERARCHICAL_COMPOSITE(P,K,S)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K P \Frac{(SK+P)!}{(SK)! P!} variable No (Q = 1) Yes (M = Id) piecewise

Other constructions are possible thanks to "FEM_GEN_HIERARCHICAL(FEM1, FEM2)" and "FEM_STRUCTURED_COMPOSITE(FEM1, S)".

It is important to use a corresponding composite integration method.

Classical vector elements

Raviart-Thomas of lowest order elements


RT0 elements in dimension two and three. (P+1 dof, H(div))


Raviart-Thomas of lowest order element on simplices "FEM_RT0(P)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
1 P P+1 H(div) Yes (Q = P) No Yes


Raviart-Thomas of lowest order element on parallelepipeds (quadrilaterals, hexahedrals) "FEM_RT0Q(P)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
1 P 2P H(div) Yes (Q = P) No Yes

Nedelec (or Whitney) edge elements


Nedelec edge elements in dimension two and three. (P(P+1)/2 dof, H(rot))


Nedelec (or Whitney) edge element “FEM_NEDELEC(P)”`
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
1 P P(P+1)/2 H(rot) Yes (Q = P) No Yes

Specific elements in dimension 1

GaussLobatto element

The 1D GaussLobatto P_K element is similar to the classical P_K fem on the segment, but the nodes are given by the Gauss-Lobatto-Legendre quadrature rule of order 2K-1. This FEM is known to lead to better conditioned linear systems, and can be used with the corresponding quadrature to perform mass-lumping (on segments or parallelepipeds).

The polynomials coefficients have been pre-computed with Maple (they require the inversion of an ill-conditioned system), hence they are only available for the following values of K: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 16, 24, 32. Note that for K=1 and K=2, this is the classical P1 and P2 fem.

GaussLobatto P_K element on the segment "FEM_PK_GAUSSLOBATTO1D(K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
K 1 K+1 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Yes

Hermite element


P_3 Hermite element on a segment, 4 d.o.f., C^1

Base functions on the reference element

  \widehat{\varphi}_0 = (2x+1)(x-1)^2,&\ \ \ \widehat{\varphi}_1 = x(x-1)^2, \\
  \widehat{\varphi}_2 = x^2(3-2x),& \ \ \ \widehat{\varphi}_3 = x^2(x - 1).

This element is close to be \tau-equivalent but it is not. On the real element the value of the gradient on vertices will be multiplied by the gradient of the geometric transformation. The matrix M is not equal to identity but is still diagonal.

Hermite element on the segment "FEM_HERMITE(1)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 1 4 C^1 No (Q = 1) No Yes

Lagrange element with an additional bubble function


P_1 Lagrange element on a segment with additional internal bubble function, 3 d.o.f., C^0


Lagrange P_1 element with an additional internal bubble function "FEM_PK_WITH_CUBIC_BUBBLE(1, 1)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
2 1 3 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Yes

Specific elements in dimension 2

Elements with additional bubble functions

Lagrange element on a triangle with additional internal bubble function
../_images/getfemlisttriangleP1bubble.png ../_images/getfemlisttriangleP2bubble.png
P_1 with additional bubble function, 4 d.o.f., C^0 P_2 with additional bubble function, 7 d.o.f., C^0


Lagrange P_1 or P_2 element with an additional internal bubble function "FEM_PK_WITH_CUBIC_BUBBLE(2, K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 2 4 or 7 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Yes



P_1 Lagrange element on a triangle with additional internal piecewise linear bubble function


Lagrange P_1 with an additional internal piecewise linear bubble function "FEM_P1_PIECEWISE_LINEAR_BUBBLE"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
1 2 4 or 7 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Piecewise



P_1 Lagrange element on a triangle with additional bubble function on face 0, 4 d.o.f., C^0


Lagrange P_1 element with an additional bubble function on face 0 "FEM_P1_BUBBLE_FACE(2)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
2 2 4 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Yes



P_1 Lagrange element on a triangle with additional d.o.f on face 0, 4 d.o.f., C^0


. P_1 Lagrange element on a triangle with additional d.o.f on face 0 "FEM_P1_BUBBLE_FACE_LAG"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
2 2 4 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Yes

Non-conforming P_1 element


P_1 non-conforming element on a triangle, 3 d.o.f., discontinuous


. P_1 non-conforming element on a triangle "FEM_P1_NONCONFORMING"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
1 2 3 discontinuous No (Q = 1) Yes Yes

Hermite element


Hermite element on a triangle, P_3, 10 d.o.f., C^0

Base functions on the reference element:

\widehat{\varphi}_0 = (1-x-y)(1+x+y-2x^2-2y^2-11xy),~~ & (\widehat{\varphi}_0(0,0) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_1 = x(1-x-y)(1-x-2y), & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_1(0,0) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_2 = y(1-x-y)(1-2x-y), & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_2(0,0) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_3 = -2x^3 + 7 x^2y + 7xy^2 + 3x^2 - 7xy, & (\widehat{\varphi}_3(1,0) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_4 = x^3-2x^2y-2xy^2-x^2+2xy, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_4(1,0) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_5 = xy(y+2x-1), & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_5(1,0) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_6 = 7x^2y + 7xy^2 - 2y^3+3y^2-7xy, & (\widehat{\varphi}_6(0,1) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_7 = xy(x+2y-1), & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_7(0,1) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_8 = y^3-2x^2y-2xy^2-y^2+2xy, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_8(0,1) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_9 = 27xy(1-x-y), & (\widehat{\varphi}_9(1/3,1/3) = 1), \\

This element is not \tau-equivalent (The matrix M is not equal to identity). On the real element linear combinations of \widehat{\varphi}_4 and \widehat{\varphi}_7 are used to match the gradient on the corresponding vertex. Idem for the two couples (\widehat{\varphi}_5, \widehat{\varphi}_8) and (\widehat{\varphi}_6, \widehat{\varphi}_9) for the two other vertices.

Hermite element on a triangle "FEM_HERMITE(2)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 2 10 C^0 No (Q = 1) No Yes

Morley element


triangle Morley element, P_2, 6 d.o.f., C^0

This element is not \tau-equivalent (The matrix M is not equal to identity). In particular, it can be used for non-conforming discretization of fourth order problems, despite the fact that it is not {\cal C}^1.

Morley element on a triangle "FEM_MORLEY"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
2 2 6 discontinuous No (Q = 1) No Yes

Argyris element


Argyris element, P_5, 21 d.o.f., C^1

The base functions on the reference element are:

\widehat{\varphi}_{0}(x,y) = 1 - 10x^3 - 10y^3 + 15x^4 - 30x^2y^2 + 15y^4 - 6x^5 + 30x^3y^2 + 30x^2y^3 - 6y^5, & (\widehat{\varphi}_0(0,0) = 1), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{1}(x,y) = x - 6x^3 - 11xy^2 + 8x^4 + 10x^2y^2 + 18xy^3 - 3x^5 + x^3y^2 - 10x^2y^3 - 8xy^4, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_1(0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{2}(x,y) = y - 11x^2y - 6y^3 + 18x^3y + 10x^2y^2 + 8y^4 - 8x^4y - 10x^3y^2 + x^2y^3 - 3y^5, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_2(0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{3}(x,y) = 0.5x^2 - 1.5x^3 + 1.5x^4 - 1.5x^2y^2 - 0.5x^5 + 1.5x^3y^2 + x^2y^3, & (\partial^2_{xx}\widehat{\varphi}_3(0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{4}(x,y) = xy - 4x^2y - 4xy^2 + 5x^3y + 10x^2y^2 + 5xy^3 - 2x^4y - 6x^3y^2 - 6x^2y^3 - 2xy^4, & (\partial^2_{xy}\widehat{\varphi}_{4}(0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{5}(x,y) = 0.5y^2 - 1.5y^3 - 1.5x^2y^2 + 1.5y^4 + x^3y^2 + 1.5x^2y^3 - 0.5y^5, & (\partial^2_{yy}\widehat{\varphi}_{5}(0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{6}(x,y) = 10x^3 - 15x^4 + 15x^2y^2 + 6x^5 - 15x^3y^2 - 15x^2y^3, & (\widehat{\varphi}_6(1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{7}(x,y) = -4x^3 + 7x^4 - 3.5x^2y^2 - 3x^5 + 3.5x^3y^2 + 3.5x^2y^3, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_7(1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{8}(x,y) = -5x^2y + 14x^3y + 18.5x^2y^2 - 8x^4y - 18.5x^3y^2 - 13.5x^2y^3, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_8(1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{9}(x,y) = 0.5x^3 - x^4 + 0.25x^2y^2 + 0.5x^5 - 0.25x^3y^2 - 0.25x^2y^3, & (\partial^2_{xx}\widehat{\varphi}_{9}(1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{10}(x,y) = x^2y - 3x^3y - 3.5x^2y^2 + 2x^4y + 3.5x^3y^2 + 2.5x^2y^3, & (\partial^2_{xy}\widehat{\varphi}_{10}(1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{11}(x,y) = 1.25x^2y^2 - 0.75x^3y^2 - 1.25x^2y^3, & (\partial^2_{yy}\widehat{\varphi}_{11}(1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{12}(x,y) = 10y^3 + 15x^2y^2 - 15y^4 - 15x^3y^2 - 15x^2y^3 + 6y^5, & (\widehat{\varphi}_{12}(0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{13}(x,y) = -5xy^2 + 18.5x^2y^2 + 14xy^3 - 13.5x^3y^2 - 18.5x^2y^3 - 8xy^4, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_{13}(0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{14}(x,y) = -4y^3 - 3.5x^2y^2 + 7y^4 + 3.5x^3y^2 + 3.5x^2y^3 - 3y^5, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_{14}(0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{15}(x,y) = 1.25x^2y^2 - 1.25x^3y^2 - 0.75x^2y^3, & (\partial^2_{xx}\widehat{\varphi}_{15}(0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{16}(x,y) = xy^2 - 3.5x^2y^2 - 3xy^3 + 2.5x^3y^2 + 3.5x^2y^3 + 2xy^4, & (\partial^2_{xy}\widehat{\varphi}_{16}(0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{17}(x,y) = 0.5y^3 + 0.25x^2y^2 - y^4 - 0.25x^3y^2 - 0.25x^2y^3 + 0.5y^5, & (\partial^2_{yy}\widehat{\varphi}_{17}(0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{18}(x,y) = \sqrt{2}(-8x^2y^2 + 8x^3y^2 + 8x^2y^3), & ~\hspace{-10.5em}(\sqrt{0.5}(\partial_{x}\widehat{\varphi}_{18}(0.5,0.5) + \partial_{y}\widehat{\varphi}_{18}(0.5,0.5)) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{19}(x,y) = -16xy^2 + 32x^2y^2 + 32xy^3 - 16x^3y^2 - 32x^2y^3 - 16xy^4, & (-\partial_{x}\widehat{\varphi}_{19}(0,0.5) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{20}(x,y) = -16x^2y + 32x^3y + 32x^2y^2 - 16x^4y - 32x^3y^2 - 16x^2y^3, & (-\partial_{y}\widehat{\varphi}_{20}(0.5,0) = 1),\\

This element is not \tau-equivalent (The matrix M is not equal to identity). On the real element linear combinations of the transformed base functions \widehat{\varphi}_i are used to match the gradient, the second derivatives and the normal derivatives on the faces. Note that the use of the matrix M allows to define Argyris element even with nonlinear geometric transformations (for instance to treat curved boundaries).

Argyris element on a triangle "FEM_ARGYRIS"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
5 2 21 C^1 No (Q = 1) No Yes

Hsieh-Clough-Tocher element


Hsieh-Clough-Tocher (HCT) element, P_3, 12 d.o.f., C^1

This element is not \tau-equivalent. This is a composite element. Polynomial of degree 3 on each of the three sub-triangles (see figure Hsieh-Clough-Tocher (HCT) element, , 12 d.o.f., and [ciarlet1978]). It is strongly advised to use a "IM_HCT_COMPOSITE" integration method with this finite element. The numeration of the dof is the following: 0, 3 and 6 for the lagrange dof on the first second and third vertex respectively; 1, 4, 7 for the derivative with respects to the first variable; 2, 5, 8 for the derivative with respects to the second variable and 9, 10, 11 for the normal derivatives on face 0, 1, 2 respectively.

HCT element on a triangle "FEM_HCT_TRIANGLE"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 2 12 C^1 No (Q = 1) No piecewise



Reduced Hsieh-Clough-Tocher (reduced HCT) element, P_3, 9 d.o.f., C^1

This element exists also in its reduced form, where the normal derivatives are assumed to be polynomial of degree one on each edge (see figure Reduced Hsieh-Clough-Tocher (reduced HCT) element, , 9 d.o.f., )

Reduced HCT element on a triangle "FEM_REDUCED_HCT_TRIANGLE"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 2 9 C^1 No (Q = 1) No piecewise

A composite C^1 element on quadrilaterals


Composite element on quadrilaterals, piecewise P_3, 16 d.o.f., C^1

This element is not \tau-equivalent. This is a composite element. Polynomial of degree 3 on each of the four sub-triangles (see figure Composite element on quadrilaterals, piecewise , 16 d.o.f., ). At least on the reference element it corresponds to the Fraeijs de Veubeke-Sander element (see [ciarlet1978]). It is strongly advised to use a "IM_QUADC1_COMPOSITE" integration method with this finite element.

. C^1 composite element on a quadrilateral (FVS) "FEM_QUADC1_COMPOSITE"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 2 16 C^1 No (Q = 1) No piecewise



Reduced composite element on quadrilaterals, piecewise P_3, 12 d.o.f., C^1

This element exists also in its reduced form, where the normal derivatives are assumed to be polynomial of degree one on each edge (see figure Reduced composite element on quadrilaterals, piecewise , 12 d.o.f., )

Reduced C^1 composite element on a quadrilateral (reduced FVS) "FEM_REDUCED_QUADC1_COMPOSITE"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 2 12 C^1 No (Q = 1) No piecewise

Specific elements in dimension 3

Lagrange elements on 3D pyramid

GetFEM++ proposes some Lagrange pyramidal elements of degree 0, 1 and two based on [GR-GH1999] and [BE-CO-DU2010]. See these references for more details. The proposed element can be raccorded to standard P_1 or P_2 Lagrange fem on the triangular faces and to a standard Q_1 or Q_2 Lagrange fem on the quatrilateral face.

Lagrange element on a pyramidal element of order 0, 1 and 2
../_images/getfemlistpyramidP0.png ../_images/getfemlistpyramidP1.png ../_images/getfemlistpyramidP2.png
Degree 0 pyramidal element with 1 dof Degree 1 pyramidal element with 5 dof Degree 2 pyramidal element with 14 dof

The associated geometric transformations are "GT_PYRAMID(K)" for K = 1 or 2. The associated integration methods "IM_PYRAMID(im)" where im is an integration method on a hexahedron (or alternatively "IM_PYRAMID_COMPOSITE(im)" where im is an integration method on a tetrahedron, but it is theoretically less accurate) The shape functions are not polynomial ones but rational fractions. For the first degree the shape functions read:

\widehat{\varphi}_{0}(x,y,z) =  \frac{1}{4}\left(1-x-y-z+\Frac{xy}{1-z}\right), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{1}(x,y,z) =  \frac{1}{4}\left(1+x-y-z-\Frac{xy}{1-z}\right), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{2}(x,y,z) =  \frac{1}{4}\left(1-x+y-z-\Frac{xy}{1-z}\right), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{3}(x,y,z) =  \frac{1}{4}\left(1+x+y-z+\Frac{xy}{1-z}\right), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{4}(x,y,z) =  z.\\

For the second degree, setting

\xi_0 = \Frac{1-z-x}{2}, ~~~\xi_1 = \Frac{1-z-y}{2}, ~~~\xi_2 = \Frac{1-z+x}{2}, ~~~\xi_3 = \Frac{1-z+y}{2}, ~~~\xi_4 = z,

the shape functions read:

\widehat{\varphi}_{0}(x,y,z) = \Frac{\xi_0 \xi_1}{(1-\xi_4)^2}((1-\xi_4-2\xi_0)(1-\xi_4-2\xi_1) -\xi_4(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{1}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_0\xi_1\xi_2}{(1-\xi_4)^2}(2\xi_1-(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{2}(x,y,\xi_4) = \Frac{\xi_1 \xi_2}{(1-\xi_4)^2}((1-\xi_4-2\xi_1)(1-\xi_4-2\xi_2) -\xi_4(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{3}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_3\xi_0\xi_1}{(1-\xi_4)^2}(2\xi_0-(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{4}(x,y,z) = 16\Frac{\xi_0\xi_1\xi_2\xi_3}{(1-\xi_4)^2}, \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{5}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_1\xi_2\xi_3}{(1-\xi_4)^2}(2\xi_2-(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{6}(x,y,z) = \Frac{\xi_3 \xi_0}{(1-\xi_4)^2}((1-\xi_4-2\xi_3)(1-\xi_4-2\xi_0) -\xi_4(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{7}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_2\xi_3\xi_0}{(1-\xi_4)^2}(2\xi_3-(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{8}(x,y,z) = \Frac{\xi_2 \xi_3}{(1-\xi_4)^2}((1-\xi_4-2\xi_2)(1-\xi_4-2\xi_3) -\xi_4(1-\xi_4)), \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{9}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_4}{1-\xi_4}\xi_0\xi_1, \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{10}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_4}{1-\xi_4}\xi_1\xi_2,  \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{11}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_4}{1-\xi_4}\xi_3\xi_0,  \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{12}(x,y,z) = 4\Frac{\xi_4}{1-\xi_4}\xi_2\xi_3,  \\
\widehat{\varphi}_{13}(x,y,z) = \xi_4(2\xi_4-1). \\

Continuous Lagrange element of order 0, 1 or 2 "FEM_PYRAMID_LAGRANGE(K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
0 3 1 discontinuous No (Q = 1) Yes No
1 3 5 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes No
2 3 14 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes No
Discontinuous Lagrange element of order 0, 1 or 2 "FEM_PYRAMID_DISCONTINUOUS_LAGRANGE(K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
0 3 1 discontinuous No (Q = 1) Yes No
1 3 5 discontinuous No (Q = 1) Yes No
2 3 14 discontinuous No (Q = 1) Yes No

Elements with additional bubble functions

Lagrange element on a tetrahedron with additional internal bubble function
../_images/getfemlisttetrahedronP1bubble.png ../_images/getfemlisttetrahedronP2bubble.png ../_images/getfemlisttetrahedronP3bubble.png
P_1 with additional bubble function, 5 d.o.f., C^0 P_2 with additional bubble function, 11 d.o.f., C^0 P_3 with additional bubble function, 21 d.o.f., C^0


P_K Lagrange element with an additional internal bubble function "FEM_PK_WITH_CUBIC_BUBBLE(3, K)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
4 3 5, 11 or 21 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Yes



P_1 Lagrange element on a tetrahedron with additional bubble function on face 0, 5 d.o.f., C^0


Lagrange P_1 element with an additional bubble function on face 0 "FEM_P1_BUBBLE_FACE(3)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 3 5 C^0 No (Q = 1) Yes Yes

Hermite element


Hermite element on a tetrahedron, P_3, 20 d.o.f., C^0

Base functions on the reference element:

\widehat{\varphi}_{0}(x,y) = 1 - 3x^2 - 13xy - 13xz - 3y^2 - 13yz - 3z^2 + 2x^3 + 13x^2y + 13x^2z & \\
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ + 13xy^2 + 33xyz + 13xz^2 + 2y^3 + 13y^2z + 13yz^2 + 2z^3, & (\widehat{\varphi}_0(0,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{1}(x,y) = x - 2x^2 - 3xy - 3xz + x^3 + 3x^2y + 3x^2z + 2xy^2 + 4xyz + 2xz^2, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_1(0,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{2}(x,y) = y - 3xy - 2y^2 - 3yz + 2x^2y + 3xy^2 + 4xyz + y^3 + 3y^2z + 2yz^2, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_2(0,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{3}(x,y) = z - 3xz - 3yz - 2z^2 + 2x^2z + 4xyz + 3xz^2 + 2y^2z + 3yz^2 + z^3, & (\partial_z\widehat{\varphi}_3(0,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{4}(x,y) = 3x^2 - 7xy - 7xz - 2x^3 + 7x^2y + 7x^2z + 7xy^2 + 7xyz + 7xz^2, & (\widehat{\varphi}_4(1,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{5}(x,y) = -x^2 + 2xy + 2xz + x^3 - 2x^2y - 2x^2z - 2xy^2 - 2xyz - 2xz^2, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_5(1,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{6}(x,y) = -xy + 2x^2y + xy^2, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_6(1,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{7}(x,y) = -xz + 2x^2z + xz^2, & (\partial_z\widehat{\varphi}_7(1,0,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{8}(x,y) = -7xy + 3y^2 - 7yz + 7x^2y + 7xy^2 + 7xyz - 2y^3 + 7y^2z + 7yz^2, & (\widehat{\varphi}_8(0,1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{9}(x,y) = -xy + x^2y + 2xy^2, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_9(0,1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{10}(x,y) = 2xy - y^2 + 2yz - 2x^2y - 2xy^2 - 2xyz + y^3 - 2y^2z - 2yz^2, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_{10}(0,1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{11}(x,y) = -yz + 2y^2z + yz^2, & (\partial_z\widehat{\varphi}_{11}(0,1,0) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{12}(x,y) = -7xz - 7yz + 3z^2 + 7x^2z + 7xyz + 7xz^2 + 7y^2z + 7yz^2 - 2z^3, & (\widehat{\varphi}_{12}(0,0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{13}(x,y) = -xz + x^2z + 2xz^2, & (\partial_x\widehat{\varphi}_{13}(0,0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{14}(x,y) = -yz + y^2z + 2yz^2, & (\partial_y\widehat{\varphi}_{14}(0,0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{15}(x,y) = 2xz + 2yz - z^2 - 2x^2z - 2xyz - 2xz^2 - 2y^2z - 2yz^2 + z^3, & (\partial_z\widehat{\varphi}_{15}(0,0,1) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{16}(x,y) = 27xyz, & (\widehat{\varphi}_{16}(1/3,1/3,1/3) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{17}(x,y) = 27yz - 27xyz - 27y^2z - 27yz^2, & (\widehat{\varphi}_{17}(0,1/3,1/3) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{18}(x,y) = 27xz - 27x^2z - 27xyz - 27xz^2, & (\widehat{\varphi}_{18}(1/3,0,1/3) = 1),\\
\widehat{\varphi}_{19}(x,y) = 27xy - 27x^2y - 27xy^2 - 27xyz, & (\widehat{\varphi}_{19}(1/3,1/3,0) = 1),\\

This element is not \tau-equivalent (The matrix M is not equal to identity). On the real element linear combinations of \widehat{\varphi}_8, \widehat{\varphi}_{12} and \widehat{\varphi}_{16} are used to match the gradient on the corresponding vertex. Idem on the other vertices.

Hermite element on a tetrahedron "FEM_HERMITE(3)"
degree dimension d.o.f. number class vector \tau-equivalent Polynomial
3 3 20 C^0 No (Q = 1) No Yes