

MF = gf_mesh_fem(mesh m[, int Qdim1=1[, int Qdim2=1, ...]])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('load', string fname[, mesh m])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('from string', string s[, mesh m])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('clone', mesh_fem mf)
MF = gf_mesh_fem('sum', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2[, mesh_fem mf3[, ...]])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('product', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2)
MF = gf_mesh_fem('levelset', mesh_levelset mls, mesh_fem mf)
MF = gf_mesh_fem('global function', mesh m, levelset ls, {global_function GF1,...}[, int Qdim_m])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('partial', mesh_fem mf, ivec DOFs[, ivec RCVs])

Description :

General constructor for mesh_fem objects.

This object represents a finite element method defined on a whole mesh.

Command list :

MF = gf_mesh_fem(mesh m[, int Qdim1=1[, int Qdim2=1, ...]])

Build a new mesh_fem object.

The <literal>Qdim</literal> parameters specifies the dimension of the field represented by the finite element method. Qdim1 = 1 for a scalar field, Qdim1 = n for a vector field off size n, Qdim1=m, Qdim2=n for a matrix field of size mxn ... Returns the handle of the created object.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('load', string fname[, mesh m])

Load a mesh_fem from a file.

If the mesh <literal>m</literal> is not supplied (this kind of file does not store the mesh), then it is read from the file <literal>fname</literal> and its descriptor is returned as the second output argument.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('from string', string s[, mesh m])

Create a mesh_fem object from its string description.

See also <literal></literal>gf_mesh_fem_get(mesh_fem MF, ‘char’)<literal></literal>

MF = gf_mesh_fem('clone', mesh_fem mf)

Create a copy of a mesh_fem.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('sum', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2[, mesh_fem mf3[, ...]])

Create a mesh_fem that spans two (or more) mesh_fem’s.

All mesh_fem must share the same mesh.

After that, you should not modify the FEM of <literal>mf1</literal>, <literal>mf2</literal> etc.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('product', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2)

Create a mesh_fem that spans all the product of a selection of shape functions of <literal>mf1</literal> by all shape functions of <literal>mf2</literal>. Designed for Xfem enrichment.

<literal>mf1</literal> and <literal>mf2</literal> must share the same mesh.

After that, you should not modify the FEM of <literal>mf1</literal>, <literal>mf2</literal>.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('levelset', mesh_levelset mls, mesh_fem mf)

Create a mesh_fem that is conformal to implicit surfaces defined in mesh_levelset.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('global function', mesh m, levelset ls, {global_function GF1,...}[, int Qdim_m])

Create a mesh_fem whose base functions are global function given by the user in the system of coordinate defined by the iso-values of the two level-set function of <literal>ls</literal>.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('partial', mesh_fem mf, ivec DOFs[, ivec RCVs])

Build a restricted mesh_fem by keeping only a subset of the degrees of freedom of <literal>mf</literal>.

If <literal>RCVs</literal> is given, no FEM will be put on the convexes listed in <literal>RCVs</literal>.

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