
class Precond(*args)

GeFEM Precond object

The preconditioners may store REAL or COMPLEX values. They accept getfem sparse matrices and Matlab sparse matrices.

General constructor for Precond objects

  • PC = Precond('identity') Create a REAL identity precondioner.
  • PC = Precond('cidentity') Create a COMPLEX identity precondioner.
  • PC = Precond('diagonal', vec D) Create a diagonal precondioner.
  • PC = Precond('ildlt', SpMat m) Create an ILDLT (Cholesky) preconditioner for the (symmetric) sparse matrix m. This preconditioner has the same sparsity pattern than m (no fill-in).
  • PC = Precond('ilu', SpMat m) Create an ILU (Incomplete LU) preconditioner for the sparse matrix m. This preconditioner has the same sparsity pattern than m (no fill-in).
  • PC = Precond('ildltt', SpMat m[, int fillin[, scalar threshold]]) Create an ILDLTT (Cholesky with filling) preconditioner for the (symmetric) sparse matrix m. The preconditioner may add at most fillin additional non-zero entries on each line. The default value for fillin is 10, and the default threshold is1e-7.
  • PC = Precond('ilut', SpMat m[, int fillin[, scalar threshold]]) Create an ILUT (Incomplete LU with filling) preconditioner for the sparse matrix m. The preconditioner may add at most fillin additional non-zero entries on each line. The default value for fillin is 10, and the default threshold is 1e-7.
  • PC = Precond('superlu', SpMat m) Uses SuperLU to build an exact factorization of the sparse matrix m. This preconditioner is only available if the getfem-interface was built with SuperLU support. Note that LU factorization is likely to eat all your memory for 3D problems.
  • PC = Precond('spmat', SpMat m) Preconditionner given explicitely by a sparse matrix.

Output a (unique) string representation of the Precond.

This can be used to perform comparisons between two different Precond objects. This function is to be completed.


displays a short summary for a Precond object.


Return 1 if the preconditioner stores complex values.


Apply the preconditioner to the supplied vector.


Return the dimensions of the preconditioner.


Apply the transposed preconditioner to the supplied vector.


Return a string describing the type of the preconditioner (‘ilu’, ‘ildlt’,..).

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