

MIM = gf_mesh_im('load', string fname[, mesh m])
MIM = gf_mesh_im('from string', string s[, mesh m])
MIM = gf_mesh_im('clone', mesh_im mim)
MIM = gf_mesh_im('levelset', mesh_levelset mls, string where, integ im[, integ im_tip[, integ im_set]])
MIM = gf_mesh_im(mesh m, [{integ im|int im_degree}])

Description :

General constructor for mesh_im objects.

This object represents an integration method defined on a whole mesh (an potentialy on its boundaries).

Command list :

MIM = gf_mesh_im('load', string fname[, mesh m])

Load a mesh_im from a file.

If the mesh m is not supplied (this kind of file does not store the mesh), then it is read from the file and its descriptor is returned as the second output argument.

MIM = gf_mesh_im('from string', string s[, mesh m])

Create a mesh_im object from its string description.

See also gf_mesh_im_get(mesh_im MI, 'char')

MIM = gf_mesh_im('clone', mesh_im mim)

Create a copy of a mesh_im.

MIM = gf_mesh_im('levelset', mesh_levelset mls, string where, integ im[, integ im_tip[, integ im_set]])

Build an integration method conformal to a partition defined implicitely by a levelset.

The where argument define the domain of integration with respect to the levelset, it has to be chosen among ‘ALL’, ‘INSIDE’, ‘OUTSIDE’ and ‘BOUNDARY’.

it can be completed by a string defining the boolean operation to define the integration domain when there is more than one levelset.

the syntax is very simple, for example if there are 3 different levelset,

“a*b*c” is the intersection of the domains defined by each levelset (this is the default behaviour if this function is not called).

“a+b+c” is the union of their domains.

“c-(a+b)” is the domain of the third levelset minus the union of the domains of the two others.

”!a” is the complementary of the domain of a (i.e. it is the domain where a(x)>0)

The first levelset is always referred to with “a”, the second with “b”, and so on.

for intance INSIDE(a*b*c)

CAUTION: this integration method will be defined only on the element cut by the level-set. For the ‘ALL’, ‘INSIDE’ and ‘OUTSIDE’ options it is mandatory to use the method gf_mesh_im_set(mesh_im MI, 'integ') to define the integration method on the remaining elements.

MIM = gf_mesh_im(mesh m, [{integ im|int im_degree}])

Build a new mesh_im object.

For convenience, optional arguments (im or im_degree) can be provided, in that case a call to gf_mesh_im_get(mesh_im MI, 'integ') is issued with these arguments.

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