

MF = gf_mesh_fem(mesh m[, int Qdim1=1[, int Qdim2=1, ...]])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('load', string fname[, mesh m])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('from string', string s[, mesh m])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('clone', mesh_fem mf)
MF = gf_mesh_fem('sum', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2[, mesh_fem mf3[, ...]])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('product', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2)
MF = gf_mesh_fem('levelset', mesh_levelset mls, mesh_fem mf)
MF = gf_mesh_fem('global function', mesh m, levelset ls, {global_function GF1,...}[, int Qdim_m])
MF = gf_mesh_fem('partial', mesh_fem mf, ivec DOFs[, ivec RCVs])

Description :

General constructor for mesh_fem objects.

This object represents a finite element method defined on a whole mesh.

Command list :

MF = gf_mesh_fem(mesh m[, int Qdim1=1[, int Qdim2=1, ...]])

Build a new mesh_fem object.

The Qdim parameters specifies the dimension of the field represented by the finite element method. Qdim1 = 1 for a scalar field, Qdim1 = n for a vector field off size n, Qdim1=m, Qdim2=n for a matrix field of size mxn ... Returns the handle of the created object.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('load', string fname[, mesh m])

Load a mesh_fem from a file.

If the mesh m is not supplied (this kind of file does not store the mesh), then it is read from the file fname and its descriptor is returned as the second output argument.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('from string', string s[, mesh m])

Create a mesh_fem object from its string description.

See also gf_mesh_fem_get(mesh_fem MF, 'char')

MF = gf_mesh_fem('clone', mesh_fem mf)

Create a copy of a mesh_fem.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('sum', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2[, mesh_fem mf3[, ...]])

Create a mesh_fem that spans two (or more) mesh_fem’s.

All mesh_fem must share the same mesh.

After that, you should not modify the FEM of mf1, mf2 etc.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('product', mesh_fem mf1, mesh_fem mf2)

Create a mesh_fem that spans all the product of a selection of shape functions of mf1 by all shape functions of mf2. Designed for Xfem enrichment.

mf1 and mf2 must share the same mesh.

After that, you should not modify the FEM of mf1, mf2.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('levelset', mesh_levelset mls, mesh_fem mf)

Create a mesh_fem that is conformal to implicit surfaces defined in mesh_levelset.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('global function', mesh m, levelset ls, {global_function GF1,...}[, int Qdim_m])

Create a mesh_fem whose base functions are global function given by the user in the system of coordinate defined by the iso-values of the two level-set function of ls.

MF = gf_mesh_fem('partial', mesh_fem mf, ivec DOFs[, ivec RCVs])

Build a restricted mesh_fem by keeping only a subset of the degrees of freedom of mf.

If RCVs is given, no FEM will be put on the convexes listed in RCVs.

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