Miscellaneous methodsΒΆ

gmm::vect_size(V); // gives the size of the vector V.
gmm::resize(V, n); // Change the size of the vector V.
                   // Preserve the min(n, vect_size(V)) first components.
                   // Do not work for references.
gmm::resize(M, m, n); // Change the dimensions of matrix M.
                      // Preserve the
                      // min(m, mat_nrows(M)) x min(n, mat_ncols(M))
                      // first components. Do not work for references.
gmm::reshape(M, m, n);  // returns the m-by-n matrix whose elements
                        // are taken columnwise from M.
                        // An error results if M does not have m*m
                        // elements. Works only with dense_matrix<T> for
                        // the moment.
gmm::nnz(V); // gives the number of stored components of the vector V.
gmm::nnz(M); // gives the total number of stored components of the matrix M.
gmm::mat_nrows(M) // gives the number of rows of a matrix M.
gmm::mat_ncols(M) // gives the number of columns of a matrix M.
gmm::write(o, V); // print the vector V to the output stream o.
gmm::write(o, M); // print the matrix M to the output stream o.

Most of the time it is more convenient to use:

std::cout << gmm::vref(V) << std::endl;
std::cout << M << std::endl;
gmm::clear(V); // set to zero all the components of the vector V;
gmm::clear(M); // set to zero all the components of the matrix M;
gmm::clean(V, 1E-10); // set to zero all the components of the vector V
                      // whose modulus is less or equal to 1E-10
gmm::clean(M, 1E-10); // idem for a matrix M.
gmm::fill_random(V); // fill a dense vector V with random number
                     //  between -1 and 1
gmm::fill_random(V, cfill); // fill a dense or sparse vector with random
                     // numbers. cfill should be between 0.0 qnd 1.0 and
                     // represent the ratio of filled components.
gmm::fill_random(M); // fill a dense matrix M with random number
gmm::fill_random(M, cfill); // fill a dense or sparse matrix M with random
                     // numbers.

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sub-vectors and sub-matrices

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Basic linear algebra operations


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