
Since we use standard GNU tools, the installation of the Gmm++ library is somewhat standard.

Note that if you use GetFEM++, you do not have to install Gmm++ since GetFEM++ is provided with its own version of Gmm++.

Moreover, as Gmm++ is a template library, no compilation is needed to install it. If the Gmm++ archive is on your current directory you can unpack it and enter inside the directory of the distribution with the commands:

gunzip -c gmm-x.xx.tar.gz | tar xvf -
cd  gmm-x.xx

Then you you have to run the configure script just typing:


or if you want to set the prefix directory where to install the library you can use the --prefix option (the default prefix directory is /usr/local):

./configure --prefix=\textit{dest_dir}

then start the installation with:

make install

You can also check if your configuration is correct with:

make check

which compiles random tests.

If you want to use a different compiler than the one chosen automatically by the ./configure script, just specify its name on the command line:

./configure CXX=mycompiler

More specific instructions can be found in the README* files of the distribution.

Now, to use Gmm++ in you programs, the simpler manner is to include the file gmm/gmm.h which includes all the template library. If the compilation time is too important, the minimum to be included is contained is the file gmm/gmm\_kernel.h (vectors and matrix types, blas, sub vector and sub matrices).

DO NOT FORGET to catch errors messages. See the corresponding section.

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Matrix and Vector type provided by Gmm++


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