Input and output with Harwell-Boeing and Matrix Market formatsΒΆ

Including the file gmm/gmm_inoutput.h you will be able to load and save matrices with Harwell-Boeing and Matrix Market formats. Concerning the Harwell-Boeing format, only the type gmm::csc_matrix<double> and gmm::csc_matrix<std::complex<double> > has been interfaced, so you can execute:

Harwell_Boeing_save("filename", A) // save the matrix A .
Harwell_Boeing_load("filename", A) // load the matrix A.

If A is not a gmm::csc_matrix<double> or a gmm::csc_matrix<std::complex<double> > a copy is made.

Concerning the Matrix Market format, it is possible to save a gmm::csc_matrix<double> or a gmm::csc_matrix<std::complex<double> > and to load a gmm::row_matrix<VECT> or a gmm::col_matrix<VECT>:

MatrixMarket_save("filename", A) // save a csc_matrix.
MatrixMarket_load("filename", A) // load a row_matrix or a col_matrix

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