

PIDs = gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'pts', mat PTS)
PIDs = gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'add point', mat PTS)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'del point', ivec PIDs)
CVIDs = gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'add convex', geotrans GT, mat PTS)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'del convex', mat CVIDs)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'del convex of dim', ivec DIMs)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'translate', vec V)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'transform', mat T)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'boundary', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'extend region', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region intersect', int r1, int r2)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region merge', int r1, int r2)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region subtract', int r1, int r2)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'delete boundary', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'delete region', ivec RIDs)
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'merge', mesh m2[, scalar  tol])
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'optimize structure'[, int with_renumbering])
gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'refine'[, ivec CVIDs])

Description :

General function for modification of a mesh object.

Command list :

PIDs = gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'pts', mat PTS)

Replace the coordinates of the mesh points with those given in PTS.

PIDs = gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'add point', mat PTS)

Insert new points in the mesh and return their #ids.

PTS should be an nxm matrix , where n is the mesh dimension, and m is the number of points that will be added to the mesh. On output, PIDs contains the point #ids of these new points.

Remark: if some points are already part of the mesh (with a small tolerance of approximately 1e-8), they won’t be inserted again, and PIDs will contain the previously assigned #ids of these points.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'del point', ivec PIDs)

Removes one or more points from the mesh.

PIDs should contain the point #ids, such as the one returned by the ‘add point’ command.

CVIDs = gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'add convex', geotrans GT, mat PTS)

Add a new convex into the mesh.

The convex structure (triangle, prism,...) is given by GT (obtained with gf_geotrans(‘...’)), and its points are given by the columns of PTS. On return, CVIDs contains the convex #ids. PTS might be a 3-dimensional array in order to insert more than one convex (or a two dimensional array correctly shaped according to Fortran ordering).

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'del convex', mat CVIDs)

Remove one or more convexes from the mesh.

CVIDs should contain the convexes #ids, such as the ones returned by the ‘add convex’ command.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'del convex of dim', ivec DIMs)

Remove all convexes of dimension listed in DIMs.

For example; gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'del convex of dim', [1,2]) remove all line segments, triangles and quadrangles.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'translate', vec V)

Translates each point of the mesh from V.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'transform', mat T)

Applies the matrix T to each point of the mesh.

Note that T is not required to be a NxN matrix (with N = gf_mesh_get(mesh M, 'dim')). Hence it is possible to transform a 2D mesh into a 3D one (and reciprocally).

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'boundary', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)

DEPRECATED FUNCTION. Use ‘region’ instead.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)

Assigns the region number rnum to the set of convexes or/and convex faces provided in the matrix CVFIDs.

The first row of CVFIDs contains convex #ids, and the second row contains a face number in the convex (or 0 for the whole convex (regions are usually used to store a list of convex faces, but you may also use them to store a list of convexes).

If a vector is provided (or a one row matrix) the region will represent the corresponding set of convex.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'extend region', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)

Extends the region identified by the region number rnum to include the set of convexes or/and convex faces provided in the matrix CVFIDs, see also gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'set region).

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region intersect', int r1, int r2)

Replace the region number r1 with its intersection with region number r2.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region merge', int r1, int r2)

Merge region number r2 into region number r1.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'region subtract', int r1, int r2)

Replace the region number r1 with its difference with region number r2.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'delete boundary', int rnum, mat CVFIDs)

DEPRECATED FUNCTION. Use ‘delete region’ instead.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'delete region', ivec RIDs)

Remove the regions whose #ids are listed in RIDs

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'merge', mesh m2[, scalar  tol])

Merge with the mesh m2.

Overlapping points, within a tolerance radius tol, will not be duplicated. If m2 is a mesh_fem object, its linked mesh will be used.

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'optimize structure'[, int with_renumbering])

Reset point and convex numbering.

After optimisation, the points (resp. convexes) will be consecutively numbered from 1 to gf_mesh_get(mesh M, ‘max pid’) (resp. gf_mesh_get(mesh M, ‘max cvid’)).

gf_mesh_set(mesh M, 'refine'[, ivec CVIDs])

Use a Bank strategy for mesh refinement.

If CVIDs is not given, the whole mesh is refined. Note that the regions, and the finite element methods and integration methods of the mesh_fem and mesh_im objects linked to this mesh will be automagically refined.

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