# Devuan 2.0 ASCII Release Notes ## Index - Introduction - Getting Devuan 2.0 ASCII - Upgrading to Devuan 2.0 ASCII - Devuan Package Repositories - Change of "Origin" in Release and InRelease files - Non-free firmware - About eudev - Session management and policykit backends - Starting X from a terminal - Devuan package information pages - Reporting bugs ### Introduction This document includes technical notes relevant to Devuan 2.0 ASCII. More information and support on specific issues can be obtained by: - subscribing to the DNG mailing list: https://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dng - visiting the Devuan user forum: https://dev1galaxy.org - shouting (but not too loud) on one of the Devuan IRC channels: #devuan (freenode) - general discussion about Devuan #devuan-arm (freenode) - specific support for ARM ### Getting Devuan 2.0 ASCII Devuan 2.0 ASCII is available for i386, amd64, armel, armhf and arm64 platforms. Installers, live CDs, and images for virtual machines and ARM SOCs can be downloaded at: http://files.devuan.org/devuan_ascii/ Please consider using one of the many mirrors, listed at: https://devuan.org/get-devuan Detailed instructions on how to use each image are available in the corresponding 'README.txt' file. The SHA256SUMS of each set of images is signed by the developer in charge of the build. The fingerprints of GPG keys of all Devuan developers are listed at: https://devuan.org/os/team In order to check that the images you downloaded are genuine and not corrupted, you should: - download the image(s) - download the corresponding SHA256SUMS and SHA256SUMS.asc files in the same folder - verify the checksums running: $ sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS (it could complain about missing files, but should show an "OK" close to the images you have actually downloaded) - verify the signature running: $ gpg --no-default-keyring --keyring ./devuan-devs.gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc (we assume that you have put the GPG keys in the keyring named "devuan-devs.gpg". YMMV) The 'devuan-devs.gpg' keyring is provided only for convenience. The most correct procedure to verify that the signatures are authentic is by downloading the relevant public keys from a trusted keyserver, double-check that the fingerprint of the key matches that of the developer reported on https://devuan.org/os/team and then use that key for verification. ## Upgrading to Devuan 2.0 ASCII Direct and easy upgrade paths from Devuan Jessie, Debian Jessie, and Debian Stretch to Devuan 2.0 ASCII are available. Upgrade from Devuan Jessie: https://devuan.org/os/documentation/dev1fanboy/upgrade-to-ascii Migrate from Debian Jessie or Stretch: https://devuan.org/os/documentation/dev1fanboy/migrate-to-ascii The following will be enough to upgrade if you are already using Devuan ASCII Beta or Devuan ASCII RC: apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade ### Devuan Package Repositories Thanks to the support of many volunteers and donors, Devuan has recently put in place a network of package repository mirrors. The mirror network is accessible using the FQDN "deb.devuan.org" or "{CC}.deb.devuan.org", where {CC} is a two-letter ISO 3166-1 country code, such as "us" for the USA, "fr" for France, "mx" for Mexico, "nl" for the Netherlands, and so on. Starting from Devuan 2.0 ASCII, users should use exclusively "deb.devuan.org" or ""{CC}.deb.devuan.org" in their 'sources.list' file, e.g.: deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged ascii main deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged ascii-security main deb http://deb.devuan.org/merged ascii-updates main deb http://deb.devuan.org/devuan ascii-proposed main Along with the above addresses, the repositories are also accessible using the Tor network, by using our hidden service address: deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged ascii main deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged ascii-security main deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/merged ascii-updates main deb tor+http://devuanfwojg73k6r.onion/devuan ascii-proposed main All the mirrors contain the full Devuan package repository (all the Devuan releases and all the suites). They are synced every 30 minutes from the main Devuan package repository ("pkgmaster.devuan.org"), and are continuously checked for sanity, integrity, and consistency. The package repository network is currently accessed through a DNS Round-Robin, but this will soon be changed into a series of region-based redirects to improve bandwidth usage. The updated list of mirrors belonging to the network is available at: http://pkgmaster.devuan.org/mirror_list.txt Users could also opt for directly accessing one of the mirrors in that list using the corresponding BaseURL. IMPORTANT NOTE: The package mirrors at "deb.devuan.org" are signed with the following GPG key: pub rsa4096 2017-09-04 [SC] [expires: 2022-09-03] E032601B7CA10BC3EA53FA81BB23C00C61FC752C uid [ unknown] Devuan Repository (Amprolla3 on Nemesis ) sub rsa4096 2017-09-04 [E] [expires: 2022-09-03] The key is included in the package "devuan-keyring". In order to use deb.devuan.org, you must have `devuan-keyring_2017.10.03` or higher. IMPORTANT NOTE: Devuan has planned to eventually discontinue the original set of Devuan mirrors available at auto.mirror.devuan.org and {CC}.mirror.devuan.org. As a consequence, users are strongly encouraged to use the new set of mirrors at "deb.devuan.org" and "{CC}.deb.devuan.org". ### Change of "Origin" in Release and InRelease files Starting from May 31st 2018 the "Origin:" field of Release and InRelease files served by deb.devuan.org is correctly set to "Devuan". This solves several minor issues with `lsb` reporting incorrect information about the OS and release. The change should be seamless for Devuan Jessie and Devuan ASCII users. ### Non-free firmware All Devuan 2.0 ASCII install media make non-free firmware packages available at install time. In the majority of the cases, these packages are needed (and will be installed) only if your wifi adapter requires them. It is possible to avoid the automatic installation and loading of needed non-free firmware by choosing the "Expert install" option in the installation menu. Devuan 2.0 ASCII desktop-live and minimal-live images come with non-free firmware packages pre-installed. You have the option of removing those non-free firmware packages from the desktop-live and minimal-live after boot, using the "remove_firmware.sh" script available under /root. ### About eudev Following the inclusion of udev (a daemon in charge of device management) in the systemd code tree, Devuan 2.0 ASCII provides the alternative "eudev" package. The transition from udev to eudev is managed through transitional packages, and should be automatic and seamless. ### Session management and policykit backends Devuan 2.0 ASCII provides a choice of 5 Desktop Environments at install time (XFCE, Cinnamon, KDE, LXQT, MATE), while many other window managers are available from the repositories. These days, Desktop Environments rely on a session management system to allow the user to perform several typical tasks without requiring administrator privileges, including suspending/rebooting/shutting down the system, mounting external devices, configuring networking, and so on. Two of such session management systems are available in Devuan 2.0 ASCII, namely: - consolekit - elogind These session managers are mutually exclusive, only one of them can be installed and active at a time to avoid unwanted interference. In order to grant processes in the unprivileged user session access to select privileged operations, the installed session manager is connected to the policykit-1 framework by a set of matching back-end libraries. Each of the 5 DEs available in Devuan comes with a recommended default combination of login manager (either slim or lightdm) and session management system: - XFCE: slim + consolekit - Cinnamon: lightdm + elogind - KDE: lightdm + elogind - LXQT: lightdm + elogind - MATE: slim + consolekit In order for session management to work correctly, the login manager (aka display manager, DM) has to register the user session with the installed session manager (i.e. either consolekit or elogind), which in turn has to cooperate with the relevant components of the desktop environment. The default pairings listed above are known to work well and do not require user intervention, but other combinations are possible. ### Starting X from a console (TTY) In Devuan 2.0 ASCII, the X server no longer requires to be run with root privileges. As a consequence, there are some additional requirements to be met when launching X directly from a TTY (i.e., through 'xinit' or 'startx'), especially on systems upgraded from Devuan Jessie. In Devuan 2.0 ASCII it is sufficient to install 'elogind' and 'libpam-elogind', and then use either 'startx' or 'xinit' as usual from a regular user account. In this case, the Xorg log file will be available under '~/.local/share/xorg/'. The system still needs to support Kernel Mode Setting (KMS). Therefore, this solution may not work in some virtualization environments (e.g. virtualbox) or if the kernel has no driver that supports your graphic card. Alternatively, it is still possible to run X with setuid root. In this case, you need to install `xserver-xorg-legacy` and ensure that the file '/etc/X11/Xwrapper.config' contains the (uncommented) line: needs_root_rights=yes ### Devuan package information pages Devuan has recently set up a simple service to display information about all the packages available in Devuan. The service can be accessed at: https://pkginfo.devuan.org It is possible to search for package names matching a set of keywords, and to visualise the description, dependencies, suggestions and recommendations of each package. Please report any issues with this new service and/or get in touch if you have suggestions about how it can be improved. ### Reporting bugs No piece of software is perfect. And acknowledging this fact is the first step towards improving our software base. Devuan strongly believes in the cooperation of the community to find, report, and solve issues. If you think you have found a bug in a Devuan package, please report it to: https://bugs.devuan.org The procedure to report bugs is quite simple: just install and run `reportbug`, a tool that will help you compiling the bug report and including any relevant information for the maintainers. `reportbug` assumes than you have a properly configured Mail User Agent that can send emails (and that it knows about). If this is not the case, you can still prepare your bug report with `reportbug`, save it (by default reportbug will save the report under /tmp), and then use it as a template for an email to submit@bugs.devuan.org. (NOTE: Devuan does not provide an open SMTP relay for `reportbug` yet. If you don't know what this is about, you can safely ignore this information). When the bug report is processed, you will receive an email confirmation indicating the number associated to the report. Here you can check the status of your report: https://bugs.devuan.org/db/ix/full.html Before reporting a bug, you might probably want to check whether the very same problem has been already experienced and reported by other users, e.g. by checking the list of packages with known bugs: http://bugs.devuan.org/db/ix/packages.html `reportbug` is a tool made by Debian for Debian, over a timespan of about 25 years. This means that it is sometimes difficult to adapt it to a new setup. We are currently working to improve the integration of reportbug with the Devuan infrastructure, and to improve the management, triaging, and reporting of bugs. Please bear with us ;^)